Help Centre
What kind of help do you need?
Need Urgent Help or Support?
If you are distressed or experiencing despair, try to speak to somebody now.
- Is there a trusted and supportive family member or a friend you could call?
- Is there a neighbour or colleague who can help?
- Call Samaritans on freephone 116 123. Samaritans are available 24/7. They provide emotional support by offering a confidential and non-judgemental listening service.
If you or anyone else is in immediate danger or at risk of harm, please call the Police or Ambulance Service on 999.
Do you need medical or mental health help now?
If so, then it is crucial that you contact the right person - most likely your GP. They will help you to get specialist help.
During the daytime, you can contact your GP surgery and request an urgent appointment.
If your GP surgery is closed, their answerphone will direct you to the right place.
If you have urgent or immediate concerns about risk of harming yourself, visit your local Accident & Emergency department (A&E).
If you receive support from any NHS mental health services, please contact your care co-ordinator or a named professional involved in your care. If they are not available, ask to speak to a duty worker or duty manager.
Call NHS 111 if you need medical help or advice that is not life-threatening.
Get 24 hour support
If no-one is available when you need help, or you'd like to speak to an impartial person in confidence, you can contact Samaritans on 116123 for round-the-clock support. You can also contact them by email or letter. Visit: